In most of our everyday conversations, regular words we hear are contamination, virus, health concern, business slow down, economic insecurity, financial crisis, redundancy, job loss, unemployment, salary cuts, closure of business, closed borders, uncertain future, fraud and corruption.
Although governments are putting all possible efforts and resources to ensure faster recovery. New scheme has been created to support vulnerable sectors of the economy. However grey clouds stays permanently in the sky leaving no room for brightness.
Unfortunately, we are not too much concerned or hardly talking whether there will be a new vaccine to fight the virus. Most likely when the vaccine will be ready, this virus would have gone, maybe new virus will emerge. We are all living in an atmosphere of fear, anxiety, loss and despair and the omnipresent of a second wave is haunting us.
The wearing of a mask has stolen a smile from our face. Will the mask be part of our clothing accessories? Social and physical distancing, hand-washing, sanitizer, quarantine, recession, lockdown will be part of our daily words.
Shall we ever be back to normal? The pandemic is here to stay. The world is working out how to live with it. The general belief is, we shall not see the normal we are used to. This is why everyone one talks about the “new” normal.
